Complaints Procedure (Clause 32 of Constitution)
1. Definition of a complaint
Barby Woodland Trust (BWT) is committed to taking all complaints seriously and to try to resolve them with the complainant. Complaints may be made verbally or in writing and any trustee receiving what is believed to be
a complaint from any source must bring this to the attention of the chair of trustees as soon as
2. Informal Resolution
Wherever possible the trustee receiving the complaint should try to resolve it with the complainant in the first instance. In doing so they should try to ascertain the specific nature of the
complaint and what the complainant is seeking to achieve as a resolution.
If it is possible to deal with the complaint in this way, the matter should be notified to the chair
of the trustees and discussed at the next trustee meeting so that any lessons from the complaint can be learned.
3. Formal Resolution
If the complaint cannot be resolved by the individual trustee it should be passed to the chair of
the trustees who will meet with the complainant and try to reach a resolution. In doing so the
chair may seek assistance from a person who is not a trustee of BWT, who would be able to
give an independent view of the complaint.
After these measures have been taken the chair will give a written response to the complainant stating the outcome, reasons for the decision and any actions that BWT will take as a result of the complaint.
4. Complaint to the Charity Commission
If the complainant is still unsatisfied with the outcome of their complaint, it is open to them to
make a complaint about the running of a charity to the Charity Commission. The complainant
will be advised of this and given information about how to make a complaint.
BWT will co-operate fully with any complaint investigation carried out by the Charity Commission.
Graham Sloper
The Barby Woodland Trust
Date: November 2022
Review date: November 2024