Biodiversity Action Plan

Biodiversity is the variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat, a high level of which is usually considered to be important and desirable.  Barby Woodland Trust is committed to the reduction of local habitat decline. 

The goal of the Trust’s Biodiversity Action Plan (hereafter “BAP”) is to conserve and enhance the biodiversity of the Barby Woodland Trust acreage, ensuring the sustainability of its ecosystems and the species that inhabit them.


  1. Habitat Restoration and Protection:
    • Identify and prioritize key habitats for conservation, such as woodland, wetland, copse, hedgerow, and grassland.
    • Implement restoration projects to enhance degraded habitats, including woodland creation, wetland rehabilitation, and erosion control.
    • Establish protected areas and buffer zones to prevent habitat loss due to development.
    • Wherever possible we will take action to minimise the damaging impacts climate change is likely to otherwise have on the biodiversity of the site, including proactively building in resilience in anticipation and adapting as changes/impacts become apparent 
  1. Species Conservation:
    • Identify and prioritise endangered and threatened species in the region.
    • Provide a varied range of habitats for native and indigenous species.
    • Implement measures to control invasive species that threaten native flora and fauna.
  1. Community Engagement and Education:
    • Raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity among local communities through workshops, educational programs, and public events.
    • Involve local communities in conservation efforts, encouraging sustainable resource use and stewardship.
    • Promote education at the local schools to develop and build an appreciation of the Barby Meadows Woods.
  1. Sustainable Land Use Planning:
    • Develop land use policies that prioritize biodiversity conservation, limiting habitat destruction and fragmentation.
    • Encourage sustainable agricultural practices that minimize impact to ecosystems and promote wildlife-friendly farming methods.
    • Incorporate biodiversity considerations into any future planning on the site with particular reference to maintaining wildlife corridors.
  1. Monitoring and Research:
    • Establish a comprehensive monitoring system to track changes in biodiversity and habitat health over time.
    • Support scientific research (if required) to better understand the region's ecosystems, species, and their interactions.
    • Use collected data to adapt and refine the action plan as new information emerges.
    • Leverage the latest research on climate change to determine the impact of such change and implement action plans as needed.
  1. Collaboration and Partnerships:
    • Collaborate with local government agencies, charities, and academic institutions to pool resources and expertise.  When necessary we will work to implement change/action plans as a direct result of these collaborations. 
    • Seek funding from governmental grants, private donors, and corporate sponsors to support the implementation of the action plan.


  • The Biodiversity Action Plan will be implemented over a 10-year period, with progress evaluated annually.
  • A dedicated biodiversity conservation committee will oversee the plan's execution.
  • Clear milestones, budgets, and performance indicators will be established for each objective, ensuring accountability and effective resource allocation.

By addressing the key components outlined in this action plan, the Barby Woodlands Trust aims to safeguard and improve biodiversity at Barby Meadows Woods, promote sustainable development, and leave a lasting legacy for future generations.


Neill Smith
The Barby Woodland Trust
Date: February 2024
Review Date: February 2025