Volunteer Policy

1. Introduction

Barby Woodland Trust (BWT) aims to develop a twenty-three acre woodland site adjacent to Barby village that will bring ecological, social, health and educational benefits to the area.

More specifically BWT aims to: 

- Engage with local stakeholders; local and national bodies; and local businesses in order to plant and maintain an area that will include woodland, wildflower meadows and wetland areas.
- To provide opportunities, through volunteering, for people of all ages to learn about the ecology of natural areas and to develop skills in planting and maintaining these areas.
- To provide a space for people to exercise and enjoy the beauty of the woodland site.

2. Use of Volunteers

The Barby Woodland Trust seeks to involve volunteers in

- The planting and maintenance of the site
- Supporting community planting events and other community activities on site
- Promoting The Barby Woodland Trust as a facility for the local area
- Working with Trustees to achieve the objectives of the Barby Woodland Trust

3. The Barby Woodland Trust’s responsibilities towards Volunteers 

  • All volunteers will be provided with clear guidance that explains their role and main duties/ responsibilities.
  • The Barby Woodland Trust will ensure that volunteers have access to the necessary equipment to carry out their duties/tasks, including personal protection equipment (PPE) if appropriate. 
  • The Volunteer Manager will ensure that volunteers are properly inducted and have access to this policy and other relevant policies, such as health & safety, safeguarding and equality. 
  • The Barby Woodland Trust seeks to create a diverse and inclusive working environment and volunteers will be made aware of the procedure should any complaints arise in relation to their volunteering experience.
  • The Barby Woodland Trust has public liability insurance that protects volunteers whilst in their voluntary role and will provide details of this to any volunteer upon request.

4. Volunteer responsibilities

Volunteers are part of the BWT team and should be protected and bound by BWT’s policies and procedures that are designed to keep all interested parties safe and ensure work is carried out to a high and consistent standard. Volunteers need to be aware of the aims and objectives of  the Barby Woodland Trust as outlined in its constitution as well as other important policies, including:

- Safeguarding
- Health and Safety
- Equal Opportunities
- Complaints procedure

Volunteers will sign a Volunteer Agreement prior to commencing their volunteering role with BWT.

Graham Sloper
The Barby WoodlandTrust
Date: February 2023
Review Date: November 2024.