Accidents and Emergencies

1. Introduction 

Emergencies are never wanted, but they are a possibility, and this procedural note familiarises committee members and volunteers working in the Barby Meadow Woods (BMW) with the appropriate emergency contacts and procedures. 

2. Minor Injuries

In the case of minor injuries such as cuts, there are first aid boxes in the equipment container on the Barby Meadow Woods site. Should a first Aider be on site they will be called in order to render immediate first aid and related support. 

3. Major Injuries

Make sure the area around the injured person is safe before entering the area. The injured person should be made comfortable, and the most appropriate course of medical action determined. Should a first Aider be on site they will be called in order to render immediate first aid and related support. 

Work in the vicinity should cease for the duration of the injured persons presence. A member of the Barby Woodland Trust committee will stay with the injured person and monitor their condition to the best of their ability until either the emergency has concluded satisfactorily, the injured person is transported to hospital for assessment or medical assistance arrives. 

4. Collapse of a person on site

Ensure safety around the collapsed person and of the helper.
Check the collapsed person and see if they respond: gently shake their shoulders and ask loudly “Hello can you hear me?/Are you all right?”
If the collapsed person responds by moving or answering then: - 

  • leave the collapsed person the position in which you find them, provided that there is no further danger to the service user in so doing.
  • check their condition and attempt to contact first aider assistance, if available.
  • If no first aider is present or available, dial either 111 for medical advice or 999 for an ambulance depending on their condition
  • Reassess regularly as to the need for a 999 ambulance

If the collapsed person does not respond:

  • Dial 999 for an ambulance
  • Send someone to bring the defibrillator
  • Summon immediate assistance from a trained first aider or health professional, where available, to assess the need for CPR. 

The nearest defibrillator is at Barby Village Hall, 3 Kilsby Rd, Barby, Rugby CV23 8TT For a list of contact details, phone numbers and addresses please see the Appendix.

5. Afterwards 

A nominated Committee Member should complete the Accident Report Log found in the First Aid box.
Record the names and addresses of witnesses or people involved.
Do not discuss legal liability.
At the appropriate time the Barby Woodland Trust committee will review the accident and consider any outcomes, inform the Townlands Charity (as land owner) together with any additional information or agreed actions.

6. Barby Woodland Trust Committee and any helpers who come on site

Individual members of the BWT and any volunteers have a responsibility to be familiar with and to act in accordance with this Procedure 

7. Communication 

The principles in this Policy will be brought to the attention of all committee members.

This policy was created and approved by the Committee on 21st June 2023. If this policy is changed, the date of the new version will be listed in this section, and past copies can be made available upon request.  


First Aider Contact
Dr Gareth James 07795636059

Local Medical Facilities
For initial medical advice, or for a non-life-threatening medical emergency please phone 111

In the case of a severe emergency, or a life-threatening emergency immediately phone 999 for the Ambulance Service

Barby Meadow Woods location:

Barby Meadow Woods
Longdown Lane,
Barby, Rugby
CV23 8TG
What3words: stall / splat / node

The nearest defibrillator is at Barby Village Hall, 3 Kilsby Rd, Barby, Rugby CV23 8TT  

The nearest 24/7 Urgent Care service is at Rugby St Cross Hospital, approximately 4 miles away.
Patients over the age of 5 years with minor injuries and illnesses can attend the Urgent Care Centre at Rugby St Cross, where trained nursing staff will undertake an assessment and give advice and treatment.
Patients are able to have x-rays, blood tests and a pharmacy is available at St Cross.

Rugby St Cross Hospital
Barby Road
CV22 5PX
Tel: 01788 572831 

The nearest A&E is located at University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire (UCHW), approximately 17 miles away.
They deal with acute injury or illness (less than 48hrs old), which may or may not be lifethreatening.

University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire,
Clifford Bridge Rd,
Tel: 02476 964000

The local Doctors’ Practice is open Monday to Friday 8.30 am-6.30 pm.

Crick Medical Centre
16 Watford Road
Tel: 01788 822203

Gareth James
The Barby Woodland Trust
Date: June 2023
Review Date: November 2024