The Project

15 acres of native broadleaf woodland plus 3 acres of wildflowers

The objective for the new woodland is to create a functioning native woodland ecosystem that is a valuable habitat for wildlife, stores carbon and provides an amenity benefit to the local residents of Barby and the surrounding communities.

The committee consulted with a number of experts and have contracted the Woodland Trust under their MOREwoods project to procure the trees and help us plant the site and maintain for the first two years.


The site is located between 142 and 168m above sea level and has a gentle south facing slope with expansive views across to Braunston and the Leam Valley.

The planting scheme consists of all UK native species which are all sourced and grown in the UK. These include:

Tree species:

  • Alder
  • Beech
  • Crab Apple
  • Field Maple
  • Goat Willow
  • Hornbeam
  • Lime
  • Oak (Common)
  • Rowan
  • Silver Birch
  • Wild Cherry

Shrub species:

  • Blackthorn
  • Dog Rose
  • Dogwood
  • Elder
  • Hawthorn
  • Hazel
  • Holly
  • Spindle
The site has a large expanse of ridge and furrow at its center which is quite well preserved. In order to protect this historical feature and also to protect the wider views, there will be no trees planted in this area.

Instead we will plant a vast wildflower meadow at its core, eventually we hope this will fill an expanse of nearly three acres.

Wildflowers will add a very important extra level of biodiversity to the overall site. Wildflowers encourage insects, which in turn support mammals and birds such as shrews and lapwings. Wildflowers provide bees, butterflies and other pollinators with food throughout the year. On a single day in summer, one acre of wildflower meadow can contain 3 million flowers, producing 1 kg of nectar sugar. 

From the top of the site you will look down on the wildflower meadow which will have the added bonus of providing a spectacular view!